The Dark Knight was an epic open-world game taking place across five highly different and beautiful islands of Gotham City, from the precipitous ledges of the New Cbd, across the dilapidated Narrows, the player could freely roam, grapple, parkour, and glide as the inimitable Batman. I was the primary cinematic artist on this title, developing reactive and dynamic camera solutions to augment and emphasize the actions of the worlds greatest comic hero.
“The game had a fuilidity and freedom that truly captured the sensation of being Gothams’ Dark Vigilante.”
I drew specifically on the comics for inspiration, being that the film-makers were incredibly tight-lipped and resources were scarce beyond the first Nolan helmed feature.
I felt it important to articulate the verticality of the experience, the notion that the open streets were a vulnerable place, the rooftops stretching out before him as a sea of traversable, irregular terrain.
Of particular pride were the perch points, a system and aesthetic I designed to allow the player to naturally focus on areas of the environment whilst shifting the sense of distance whether the player was looking across the rooftops or down into the veins of Gotham’s streets, scanning for crime, ready to drop into action at any time.